Symfony package with dna-profiles

Development of a Symfony package. You can implement this bundle to provide DNA profiles for content and possibly also to the (logged-in) visitors of the website. With these DNA profiles, the bundle can show related content. These DNA profiles can be used to post personalized content.

Symfony package DnaKlikDnaExchange

I rewrote the software of the method I developed to provide content and users with DNA profiles to make it a Symfony bundle. Information on how to implement the bundle in a Symfony application can be found on Packagist. This bundle uses the following bundles:

  • SecurityBundle: used for identifying users.
  • DoctrineBundle: to link DNA Stamps to content
  • TwigBundle: for the managing system

With this bundle you can ensure that when selecting certain content, Stamps are exchanged between content and the website visitor. You can show content-related content based on the DNA profiles you have created and you can show content that is related to the DNA profile of the website visitor.

During installation, three additional tables are placed in your database where the links between Stamps, content and users are stored. The bundle also includes a back-end that allows to evaluate the match between the DNA profiles of:

  • content with other content
  • users with content
  • users with other users

Preview where the content consists of a collection of colors

Related content, match with users DNA profiles
Match between combined user and content DNA profiles

In fig. 1 you can clearly see the difference between matched content and the random content underneath. I use colours as content because you can see how good the match is. And if it works for colours, it should work for other content.

Match DNA profiles between content
Match DNA profiles between content and users
Match between user DNA profiles and content DNA-profiles
Match between user DNA-profiles